The feeling of vertigo is usually accompanied by nausea and a sense of loss of balance. It is a false perception that the self, environment, or both are moving or spinning.
Vertigo is caused by problems with the inner ear or parts of the brain involved in balance.
What causes vertigo?
There can be peripheral or central causes or both.
Causes of peripheral effects:
A disorder of the inner ear or vestibular system causes vertigo. The vestibular system consists of semicircular canals, the vestibule (utricle and saccule), and the vestibular nerve.
Most peripheral vertigo cases are caused by benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Meniere's disease, labryinthitis, and vestibular neuronitis are other causes.
Cause central:
Lesion of the brainstem or cerebellum causes vertigo. Central disorders are commonly caused by transient is chaemic attacks, vestibular schwannoma, cerebellar tumors, cervical spine disorders, migraine headaches, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral dysfunction.
Why is physiotherapy beneficial for vertigo?
Patients are suffering from Vertigo physiotherapy benefit by hastening their recovery.
An assessment will be performed by physiotherapy to determine exactly what problems/ impairments exist and what treatment should be given.
Physiotherapy treatment aims to:
• Induced dizziness by reducing motion
• Stabilize the gaze
• Enhance balance and walking abilities
• Enhancing fitness and endurance
• Reduced risk of falls
• BPPV repositioning techniques
• Increasing general activity levels
The physiotherapist will perform a thorough examination to discover what else may be causing your dizziness/ vertigo.
Your evaluation will include a treatment plan to meet your goals and relieve discomfort. Generally, an accurate diagnosis of Physiotherapy Ottawa will result in a high success rate within a short timeframe.
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